July Wrap Up

Guys, July was such a wild month for me (Not reading wise though – I only read 4 books, don’t judge me pls)


First of all, Nish and I watched HP and the Cursed Child in Melbourne and GUYS. GUYS. If you haven’t seen it yet, you are seriously missing out. I feel like I can’t say much because I don’t want to spoil anything but if I could summarise the experience in one word, it would be magical. There were legitimately moments during the play when my friends and I were convinced we were witnessing real life sorcery.


Also, as if the experience couldn’t get any more incredible, we got to meet the cast. BY ACCIDENT. Just because we happened to be hanging outside the theatre for ages trying to sort out our emotions and not cry because the play was over.

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Yes I also got their autographs and I will frame this and guard it with my life

 And of course, because it was Melbourne, we were spoiled for choices when it came to aesthetic brunch places.

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I may or may not have fallen off my chair whilst trying to capture one of these images. It was worth it. Not that it happened. But, theoretically. You know.

Managed to sneak in some quick shoots with my insanely photogenic friends…

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And then I came back to Perth and got a cat. Yeah I know, I wasn’t expecting that either 😂


Would you call that a cat-ciddent?

The short story is that I went out for dim sum with my cousins, came home and somehow convinced my Mum using very roundabout logic to let us adopt a cat. Guys you have no idea how significant this is, my Mum used to hate cats. Like more than Nish hates After by Anna Todd (FYI, that’s a lot of hate) so this is a momentous occasion indeed.

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This is Dobby and I love him even though he looks better in photos than I do

We’re incredibly lucky because he’s actually a dog-cat – he follows us around the house, gets excited when we get home and is SUPER affectionate (which is pretty unusual for cats!) He became the favourite member of the family in about 0.00005 seconds flat.


My entire family 24/7 now

And last but not least… Nish and I finally launched this blog! Not gonna lie, it was really Dobby who finally brought us together for long enough to sort ourselves out, after registering this account a year ago.


Here’s to us and our mutual love of books and TayTay!


thehateugiveThe Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

Rating: ★★★★★

finally stopped waiting for ‘the right time’ to read this book and can I just say it deserves 100% of all the praise it has gotten and I honestly think it should be required reading? I kind of just want to sneak it into people’s bags and pray that they’ll read it and become better people.


Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Parts One and Two by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany 81Fn5HStrKLand Jack Thorne

Rating: ★★★★★

This was a re-read for me after watching the play and I got so emotional. I think I gave it a 4 or 4.5 stars the first time because there was an uproar about the queer-baiting and I think I got a little caught up in it. I still think this was a missed opportunity for J.K. Rowling to introduce more diversity into her books, but personally I don’t feel that there was any indication that Scorpius and Albus had anything more than just platonic feelings for each other.

51hLX4zDlyLBook Love by Debbie Tung

Rating: ★★★★★

If you are a bookworm, you need to get this book. If you know a bookworm, you need to get this book, if you’ve ever given a book a passing glance, you need to get this book.



Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone220px-Harry_Potter_and_the_Philosopher's_Stone_Book_Cover

Rating: ★★★★★

Watching the play made me so sentimental that I’ve decided to re-read the entire HP series again 😂 This is actually only my second time re-reading it (I know, what a crime) but it’s so interesting how the books can mean such different things to you when you read it at different points of your life.


  • Olivia @Purely Olivia imparts some pearls of wisdom for new bloggers and reminds me just why I love this community so much!
  • Kat @ Novels & Waffles introduced The BiblioSmile Project which is honestly the most wholesome thing since Tom Holland graced our screens. Side note – if you haven’t checked out Kat’s blog yet you are in for a TREAT, her posts always make my day and her graphics are so sweet you’ll get diabetes (but in the best way possible!)
  • Xandra @ Starry Sky Books ranked her experiences with Adam Silvera’s novels and yes, she even includes romance and heartbreaker ratings in her rankings. Honestly can this be a thing? Can we have this for EVERY book please and thank you. As someone who has been DYING to pick up an Adam Silvera book but chickened out every time because I didn’t think my itty bitty heart could handle it, I appreciated this post very, very much
  • Marija @ Inside My Library Mind’s reacted to negative reviews of books she loves and I almost DIED laughing.
  • Jenna @ Bookmark Your Thoughts did a Harry Potter themed BuJo spread and WE. STAN. IT.


That’s all for today, folks! Hope you all had an incredible July (who am I kidding I’ve posted this so late that I already know for a fact that most of you had a PHENOMENAL July.)  Thank you all again for being so supportive and welcoming – we can’t wait to get to know you all better!

With Love,


22 thoughts on “July Wrap Up

  1. Ahh, I loved this wrap-up so much!💖All of the photos are so beautiful, oh my goodness. Dobby is adorable and the food looked delicious and made me hungry haha!!

    That’s so exciting that you got see The Cursed Child! I’m not a fan of it in the least, but I haven’t seen the play so I feel like I would still enjoy that magical experience despite disliking the actual script, if that makes any sense. Anything to get back into the wizarding world, honestly…

    Thank you so much for mentioning one of my posts! I’m so super happy that you enjoyed it. *hugs* I hope you have a fantastic August!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww thank you so much Olivia!!! Yeah I made a mistake editing these at night, the photos are making me so hungry as well 😂

      I totally understand, I know a lot of people who weren’t huge fans of the screenplay. I think there’s a lot that can’t be captured in the script & if you’re on the fence about it I’d definitely go, the experience was incredible 🤩

      Thank YOU for making the post, it was so helpful 😍 Hope you have a great August too! ☺️

      Liked by 1 person

  2. ONLY 4?! Love … I read 3 … when I was supposed to read 5 … epic failing over here.

    I LOVE YOUR CAT!!!!! DOBBY IS SO ADORABLE!! I really want a pet … specifically a dog … but I really don’t have the time or finances … yet.

    I loved THUG … such a fantastic novel.

    I loved Marija’s post as well! I laughed so flippin’ hard! Olivia’s post was also super informative. She did a fantastic job.

    Thank you for sharing my post! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha yayyyyy we can be failures together hahaha 😂

      DOBBY IS THE CUTESTTTTTT and I hope you get the chance to get a dog soonish! My family actually wanted a dog but we haven’t got enough room in our house & we’re all too busy to give a dog the sort of time & attention it needs!! But now everyone’s in love with Dobby so it’s all good 😂

      I always enjoy your BuJo posts so much, I couldn’t wait to share it!! 😍

      Liked by 1 person

      1. YAS! 😂😂😂

        I hope so too. My dad made a comment saying I can’t get one (though I don’t live with him or my mom) but I should get a fish. So my friend and mom said, okay … get a dog and name him Fish 😂. Now I kinda want to lol! But I think I already have the names lined up he-he

        And thank you again, darlin’! You really are a sweetheart!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. HAHAHAHA omg you should TOTALLY do that!!! Or give your dog another name & nickname him Fish 😂 LOVE IT!!

        Awww no worries at all!! Hope you’re having a lovely August ☺️

        💛 Ngoc

        Liked by 1 person

  3. OH THESE FOOD PICTURES AHH. I’m so hungry right now haha.
    I’m so happy you loved The Hate U Give, it’s such a wonderful read and I agree it should be required reading everywhere, such a powerful read ❤
    I hope you're both having a lovely month! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahahaha wish you could’ve been there to try all the food, it was AMAZING!!

      I can’t wait to read On the Come Up, I’m just mad at myself for not picking up THUG sooner 😢

      Hope you’re having an amazing month too, Marie!!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. OMG I wish my cat was a dog-cat T_T She’s such a bratty little sod, I swear xD But yay to convincing your mum to get one, that’s so exciting! 😀 And meeting the HP cast too!!! You are seriously the luckiest ❤
    Brilliant wrap-up, and hope August is just as great for you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha Dobby can get a little sassy sometimes too but for the most part he’s a good kitty 😸 I KNOW WE WERE SO LUCKY!! Honestly my life has been MADE 😱 I hope you’ve had a fantastic August too (HOW IS ALREADY NEARLY OVER?! EEP!)

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh my gosh you MET THE CASTTTT??!!!! Wow i would totally guard those autographs with my life too. I would LOVE to see Cursed Child, but alas (earwax) I have no money and all the shows are a billion miles away from me. *cries in George*

    Anyway:::: those pictures are AMAZING and #goals

    I relate with the falling-off-the-chair thing xD

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES. YES WE DID. I FANGIRLED SO HARD I COULDN’T EVEN SPEAK. Oh nooooooo that’s such a shame! Hopefully they bring the play to more countries, it’s such an incredible experience & I think EVERYONE deserves to see it!!

      Ahahaha THANK YOU BECK!!! Glad it’s not just me 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  6. *gasp* I’m so glad you got to see Cursed Child, and that you really enjoyed it! I saw it in London, and I honestly enjoyed it so much more than just reading the script! 🙂 And that’s so awesome that you were able to meet the cast!

    I’ve been meaning to read THUG for a very long time now, but I’m just never in the mood, I guess. However, I think I will finially be able to read it soon! At least, before this year is over!

    Thank you so much for sharing my post! And I hope that you have a wonderful August, and I can’t wait to read more from your blog! 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My friend saw it in London as well & he came to Melbourne to watch it again with us, so I knew even before I sat down that it was going to be good!

      I was *exactly* the same! I felt like I was never ready to approach such heavy topics but I finally just bit the bullet and did it AND I’M SO GLAD I DID! 😍

      Awww you’re very welcome, I always enjoy your posts so much!! Hope you’ve had a wonderful August so far as well & thank you for reading! 🥰

      Liked by 1 person

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